Before your provider begins, they will ensure that all calls between you and your provider are private. Your provider will then ask you questions to verify your identity such as your date of birth, full name, address or other identifying questions. Once you’re verified, you will then have to consent to your provider so he or she can address your complaints. Your provder will then ask you questions about your health and this is the time to tell him or her about your health concerns. You and your provider will discuss treatment options, which may lead to being prescribed medication, additional follow-up appointments or changes to your lifestyle that may need to occur to improve your health.
- Just like a phone call, video chats may drop. If this happens, we will reconnect with you the same way you began your visit. If that does not work, we will try to reach you through your phone numbers given to us.
- After each visit, you will receive a record of your visit. This is your care plan which includes instructions on what to do to make yourself feel better.
Virtual Primary Care Program